A Fairy Tale - The Price Family Story
Some Fairy Tales are
True, and Do End Happily Ever After...
upon a time there was a very big happy family. This family had
two bouncy mischievous boys, three girls who were much calmer
than the boys, and a mom and a dad. One day the mom and dad had
some exciting news to share with the children. They gathered the
family around and shared the special news that in eight months,
another child would join the family. The news was accepted with
joy, for babies are indeed special!
The Mom made sure that she took good care of her
body, just as she had done with all the children. She wanted to
be sure that the child growing within her would have a healthy
start to life. One day, a few months later, a most dreaded phone
call came from the Doctors office. The result of the AFP test
the Mom had taken was abnormal. The Mom would need to have
furthering testing to check out the validity of the AFP test. At
first the Mom and Dad just thought, "Oh, maybe we have twins, or
maybe the due date was off." They really did not want to think
that their new little one could actually have some kind of
dreaded birth defect.
They traveled far from home for these special
tests, an ultrasound and amniocentesis. They first met with a
special person called a geneticist, then they went into a room
where a special doctor was who would take the ultrasound, the
Dr. talked to the Mom and Dad, for a while.
The doctor begin the ultrasound, and then all
got very quiet. The Dr. had a very concerned look on his face,
the Mom and Dad were certain that things were not all well with
there new little one. The silence went on for what seemed like
an eternity. Finally the doctor spoke. What he said was hard for
the parents to comprehend. The ventricles in the baby's head
were enlarged, and its spine was open. He said the baby had
something called spina bifida.
The parents were shocked, even devastated. How
could this be?? They went home and cried buckets of tears, and
tried to explain to the children why they were so sad. As
extended family members and friends heard of the news an amazing
thing began to happen as the family felt the strength of others
love, support and prayers. The sadness turned to determination
to do all they could to help this little baby. It seemed a very
long five months to await the birth of this baby, filled with
learning new things about spina bifida, and doctors
The Mom and Dad found the medical community to
be very negative as they told them all the worse things that
spina bifida could do to a baby. They said that this baby could
be a burden to this family because the baby may not be able to
walk and may be mentally retarded. They even went so far as to
suggest that the pregnancy be terminated. But the Mom and Dad
had unconditional love for all their children, including their
new little unborn child. They very much wanted him to be a part
of their family, although they were sad that he would face so
many challenges in life.
On August 27, 1987, Evan Neil Price was born
into this world. His name was very special because while the
name Evan meant challenger, the name Neil meant champion. He was
born one month early because he was not growing well inside and
needed medical help. He was a tiny baby he weighed only four and
a half pounds, but he was indeed beautiful. They were filled
with an overwhelming love for him.
Evan was very sick and at three hours old a very
special doctor called a neurosurgeon, very carefully closed the
opening in the Evans back and placed a special tube called a
shunt in his head. The Mom and Dad spent all the time they could
with Evan, caressing him, rubbing his shoulders, whispering to
him, comforting him and letting him know of their love for him.
After seventeen days in the hospital the most
joyful day of all occurred, as the Mom and Dad brought little
Evan home for his brothers and sisters to welcome. It was
wonderful to be away from all the noise, and tubes and needles
of the hospital. Finally little Evan was with the family that
would love and nurture him.
Sixteen Years Later....
Evan is growing and thriving. He has NOT been a
burden to his family as some would have thought. He is a joy and
a delight to his family. He is one of the happiest children they
have and he laughs with his whole body. It is a very wonderful,
contagious laugh. He does walk, although it is slow and takes
lots of energy, it is different than the way most people walk
because Evan must wear long leg braces and use a walker. The
very most favorite way Evan likes to get around is in his
wheelchair, it is much faster than walking. Evan struggles
sometimes in school, but he is smart and learning new things all
the time.
The family has learned a lot from Evan. They
have learned that it is okay to do things differently, that each
of us is unique. If they look for the good in others they will
find it. They have learned that it is possible to be brave and
courageous in the face of adversity. They have learned that a
positive attitude is so very important. They have learned that
the most wonderful miracles occur in our hearts as we became
accepting of things we can't change and do not let our hearts be
bitter. They have learned that when families stick together
wondrous things can happen. They have learned the importance of
faith and prayer in this life. They know that our lives here on
the earth and precious and fragile.
The family has faced new challenges now. The Mom
has had to cope with cancer in her life. But she knows that all
we be well. She has a wonderful example in her life to look up
to, to help her be strong, and brave and courageous and have a
positive attitude. He is younger and smaller than her, but in
some ways wiser. His name means challenger and champion and he
is indeed a champion. and they will live happily ever after.....